if "Experiment,VideoCard,Set,Help,SuperMenu" contains (word 1 of it) then putName it
end if
end mouseWithin
on putName itemName
if word 1 of itemName is "experiment" then put ("Experiment #" & word 2 of itemName) into field "item name"
if word 1 of itemName is "videoCard" then put itemName into field "item name"
if itemName is "SuperMenu" then put "Main Menu" into field "item name"
put ("info:" && itemName) into fieldName
if the visible of field fieldName is false then
get field "last item"
hide field it
show field fieldName
put fieldName into field "last item"
end if
end putName
on openCard
global superMenuOn
show menubar
put the hilite of bkgnd button "supermenu" into superMenuOn
end openCard
-- part 2 (field)
-- low flags: 81
-- high flags: 2004
-- rect: left=174 top=114 right=284 bottom=353
-- title width / last selected line: 0
-- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
-- text alignment: 0
-- font id: 0
-- text size: 12
-- style flags: 0
-- line height: 16
-- part name: player backdrop
-- part 3 (field)
-- low flags: 81
-- high flags: 0007
-- rect: left=186 top=140 right=253 bottom=339
-- title width / last selected line: 0
-- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
-- text alignment: 1
-- font id: 0
-- text size: 12
-- style flags: 0
-- line height: 16
-- part name: players
----- HyperTalk script -----
on mouseUp
send "clickList" to field "Set Player"
end mouseUp
-- part 4 (button)
-- low flags: 80
-- high flags: E005
-- rect: left=188 top=255 right=273 bottom=299
-- title width / last selected line: 0
-- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
-- text alignment: 1
-- font id: 0
-- text size: 12
-- style flags: 0
-- line height: 16
-- part name: Reset Player
-- part 21 (field)
-- low flags: 81
-- high flags: 2004
-- rect: left=11 top=40 right=326 bottom=403
-- title width / last selected line: 0
-- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
-- text alignment: 0
-- font id: 3
-- text size: 12
-- style flags: 256
-- line height: 16
-- part name: Help
-- part 26 (button)
-- low flags: 00
-- high flags: A002
-- rect: left=16 top=319 right=340 bottom=76
-- title width / last selected line: 0
-- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
-- text alignment: 1
-- font id: 0
-- text size: 12
-- style flags: 0
-- line height: 16
-- part name: Return
----- HyperTalk script -----
on mouseUp
global ReturnCard
go ReturnCard
end mouseUp
-- part contents for card part 2
----- text -----
Select a player:
-- part contents for background part 21
----- text -----
Experiment #2
-- part contents for background part 22
----- text -----
info: Experiment 2
-- part contents for background part 30
----- text -----
The VideoDisc Controller card attached to the Main Menu (the card you are on now) allows you to perform a variety of functions:
• Set the VideoDisc Player type
• Play any of the pre-selected portions of the
VideoDisc on your video monitor
• Manually control the VideoDisc player
(options include: freeze-frame, single-
step advance, and 7 playing speeds)
Similar VideoDisc Controller cards are attached to each of the experiment cards and contain a specialized list of pre-selected video clips pertaining to that experiment.
-- part contents for background part 28
----- text -----
Clicking the mouse on the Set Player field will present you with a list of VideoDisc players that this stack is capable of controlling.
If the player you have attached to the Mac is one of those in the list, just click on its name and the machine will check its own interface with the player.
It is crucial that you set the player type each time you open this stack after having been away. If you do not, the stack will be unable to communicate with the player, and the VideoDisc Controller cards will be disabled.
On other cards, this field will serve other functions. Watch for messages to appear here.
-- part contents for background part 27
----- text -----
The fifth experiment on the "Frames of Reference" disc involves a table rotating at a constant velocity around its center point. An observer, rotating with the table, pushes a dry ice puck (which is nearly frictionless) toward the center of the table. Rather than continuing across the table, the puck appears to him to travel in a curve, perhaps even returning to his hand.
In the simulation provided by this stack, you can investigate the effect that the factors of the angular velocity of the table and the speed and direction of the push given the puck have on the path of the puck.
-- part contents for background part 26
----- text -----
The fourth experiment on the "Frames of Reference" disc involves an electromagnet mounted on a cart which moves at a constant acceleration along a straight line. A small steel ball is suspended from the electromagnet and is released when the cart passes a certain point. This time, however, the ball does not travel straight down the pole holding the electromagnet, as it did in experiment #1. Instead, it travels in a straight diagonal line.
In the simulation provided by this stack, you can investigate the effect that the factors of the height of the magnet and the acceleration of the cart have on the path of the ball.
-- part contents for background part 25
----- text -----
The third experiment on the "Frames of Reference" disc involves a table mounted on a cart moving at constant velocity. A dry ice puck
(which is nearly frictionless) is pushed back and forth at a constant speed on the table by two observers moving with the table.
Although the observers see the puck moving at a constant speed, in the Earth frame, the puck travels faster in the direction of the motion of the table than when it travels the other way.
In the simulation provided by this stack, the two observers have been replaced by invisible elastic barriers at a set distance from the center of the table, marked by a white section.
-- part contents for background part 23
----- text -----
The first experiment on the "Frames of Reference" disc involves an electromagnet mounted on a cart which moves at a constant velocity along a straight line. A small steel ball is suspended from the electromagnet and is released when the cart passes a certain point. The path of the ball appears to be a straight line, but in the Earth frame, is actually a parabola.
The simulation this stack provides allows you to investigate how the factors of the height of the electromagnet and the speed of the cart affect the path of the falling ball.
-- part contents for background part 29
----- text -----
The Help button is available on every card in the stack except the title card. Clicking the mouse on it will pop up a field that will contain:
• An explanation of the purpose of the card
• A short summary of the functions of all
controls on the card
• Several suggected courses of action
To hide the pop-up field, merely click the mouse again anywhere on the field or on the help button. The help box will disappear and the card will resume its normal functions.
-- part contents for background part 33
----- text -----
This card is the main menu for this stack. From this card you can connect to any of the five experiments or the master VideoDisc Controller card. You can also set the type of VideoDisc player you are using or bring up a help field.
The buttons which perform all these functions are located in the "control panel" on the right edge of the screen. A similar panel is available on every card except the title card.
To get a fuller description of any of the controls on this card, click on "Main Menu" above (it will hilite) and then position the mouse above the control you wish to investigate. Click at the top again to restore this field.
-- part contents for card part 21
----- text -----
The Main Menu is the gateway to all the other parts of the stack. The "control panel" on the right side of the screen is a standard feature in this stack. It will always contain, from top to bottom, a series of navigation buttons linking to other cards with various functions, a field which will fullfil whatever function is described by the text inside it, and a help button which will pop up a field like this one. To activate any control, just click once on it.
To get more detailed explanations of any of the controls on this card, click on the words "Main Menu" above (after you send this field away). Then hold the mouse over any control, without clicking, to get a description of the control. Clicking at the top again will restore the "Main Menu" field and turn off the descriptions.
-- part contents for background part 24
----- text -----
The second experiment on the "Frames of Reference" disc involves a cart with a rotating wheel mounted on it. At the edge of the wheel is mounted a pen which traces out its path on a sheet of clear plastic as the cart moves past at a constant velocity.
The simulation provided by this stack allows you to investigate the effects that the factors of the angular velocity of the wheel, the radius of the wheel, and the speed of the cart have on the path of the pen.